Social Media Marketing Strategy for Small Business

Harshdeep Champaneri
5 min readMar 25, 2017

Let’s first learn How big social media is:

Facebook: The average time that users spend on Facebook is nearing an hour.

  • India : 195.16 ml
  • US : 191.3 ml
  • Brazil : 90.11 ml
  • Indonesia : 77.58 ml

Instagram: 15 mins average, each day.

  • US : 88 ml
  • Russia : 27.52 ml
  • Brazil : 26.98 ml
  • Turkey : 16.34 ml

Twitter: 17 to 25 mins average, each day.

  • US : 120 ml
  • Brazil : 40 ml
  • Japan : 34 ml
  • UK : 28 ml

Other 15–20 mins people spend on snapchat, tumblr, LinkDin & more like that.

Why social Media Marketing?

1. Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic.

2. Using social media for business boosts your site’s SEO.

3. If you’re doing it right, social media will lead to real relationship building.

4. Users are receptive to your messages.

5. Social media ads allow targeting and retargeting.

6. Social media can help you get noticed at events, and even generate earned media coverage.

7. The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable.

8. You’ll find customers you didn’t know existed.

9. Customers you didn’t know existed will find (and buy from) you.

Customer Support

Nike twitter Customer Support
Rogers FB Customer Support

Now, the real kick is how to make a social media marketing strategy?

So, here we have sorted social media marketing by giving preference of which social media is more related to your brand and bring more traffic to your business.

Here are the sort listed social media and their main activity for businesses :

1. Facebook: Small Businesses that are local and stationary as well as online businesses.

2. Twitter: Online businesses, personality-based businesses, any brand wanting a “humorous” tone, etc.

3. Instagram: visually-intensive businesses, and influencers wanting to connect with audience on a more intimate level.

4. LinkedIn: Thought Leadership & Highly “Formal” Brands.

To hit the maximum traffic and attraction on social media for your brand we’re following rules of golden circle.

Concept of Golden Circle:

Golden Circle by Simon Sinek

Let me give you brief of this strategy by giving example of a car-pooling company (Eg.KarPool):

1) Why?

· First why? KarPool. In which, We have to teach novice user that why you should use KarPool.

· Why we are difference from other?

· Why you can trust us?

· Why other people are using our pooling services?

· Why use pooling Services?

· We have to make people “believe” Why they choose pooling services not a cab services.

2) How?

· “How” is a learning process? How brings people near to your product.

· How I’m gone use this app?

· How can I book ride?

· How is an easy to use?

· How is easy to share the ride?

· We have to make people to “Believe” that we are simple to use, Safe, Easy to payment and we are the only one.

3) What?

· We are happen to be a great pooling service provider. Wanna try our ride? Or wanna use our pooling services?

“ People don’t buy what you do, people buy why you do it! ” — Simon Sinek

Customer Service

Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important channels through which companies interact with their current customers. Social is an easy and very public way for customers to air their grievances with your brand. If you aren’t responding, it can hurt your reputation and customer relationship.

GrubHub is an example of a company that is really succeeding in social customer care.

By taking the time to engage with a dissatisfied customer, GrubHub was able to turn a negative experience into a favorited Tweet!

Research and Development

Your brand’s social audience represents a group that is highly engaged, invested and interested in your product or service. Why not leverage that to serve as an online focus group for your company? Asking for and listening to customer feedback on social media is a nimble and easy way to get instant feedback.

Additionally, social media can help expose gaps in a product or service.

Content is the King

Content on Social Media Page of your Brand

Engaging Content with Videos, Infographic, Creative graphics, Greetings, Offline event to online interaction and more like that.

Engaging content speaks to your customer directly.

Engage Instead of Ignore.


Things have to work on before making any social media marketing strategy:

1. What are your social media goals?

2. What teams are active on Social Media?

a. Sales

b. Marketing

c. PR

d. Etc

3. Which Network align with your business strategy?

4. What content you can create with full force and frequency?

a. Video

b. Photo

c. Ebook

d. Webinar

e. etc

5. How are you finding your audience?

6. How are you responding to your audience?

7. Are your effort metrics driven?

a. Analysis

b. Improvement

c. Reporting

(Gary Vaynerchuk)

I’m the founder of

I’m Harshdeep Champaneri. I’m a failed computer engineer, Graphic designer, Story teller, Social media analyst and passionate public speaker. I’ve started my company in the second year of my engineering. Since than I’ve spoken at many startup events, worked as Graphic designer and social media manager. And kept moving forward with one idea : Fail as many time as you can, because every time you learn something that will power your strength next time. Don’t be stable. I founded a comparison based social media Application.



Harshdeep Champaneri

Marketing Researcher & Digital Strategist. Currently working with eCommerce brands helping them with branding, paid ad campaigns, Content marketing & web design